
The Quest: Exploring Creation’s Hardest Problems is unavailable, but you can change that!

Every day, scientists make thousands of new discoveries as they uncover the wonders of God's creation. At the same time, scientific theories about evolution and the origin of the universe challenge traditional Christian beliefs about God's creation. Did God really create human beings by evolution? Or are the Bible's stories of the Garden of Eden and the Great Flood true? Can we ever hope to...

In the first few months of 2010, I was working on a research paper describing the baraminology of humans. Baraminology is the field of creation research that tries to identify created kinds. I had been working on mathematical ways of examining species for more than a decade at that point, and I applied the techniques to creatures as diverse as insects, horses, and sunflowers. The fall of 2009 was my first foray into humans, and the results turned out pretty well. Nothing surprising
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